Saturday 20 June 2020

Asamuyta Hasta Shloka - Single Handed Gestures

Hastas or Hasta Mudras are an integral part of Bharatanatyam, where stories are brought to life through hand gestures combined with facial expressions and dynamic movements.

There are 52 Hasta Mudras which are divided into 28 single handed gestures  or Asamyuta Hastas and 24  double Handed gestures or Samyuta Hastas. These Hastas are used to depict stories of Indian Gods & Goddesses, various characters, creatures, elements of nature, animals, emotions and relationships within a story. Every movement in Bharatantyam has a Sanskrit name and their uses are mentioned in the Natya Shastra, which is a detailed treatise of the performing arts including Dance, Drama, Music and Literature.

Asamuyta Hasta Shloka : 

 “Pathakas Tripathako Ardhapathakas Kartharimukhaha

Mayurakhyo Ardhachandrascha Araala Shukathundakaha

Mushtischa Shikharakhyascha Kapitha Katakhamukhaha

Suchi Chandrakala Padmakosha Sarpashirasthathaa

Mrigashirsha Simhamukhaha Kaangulascha Alapadmakaha

Chaturo Bhramaraschaiva Hamsasyo Hamsapakshakaha

Samdamsho Mukulaschaiva Thaamrachoodas Trisoolakaha

Ithyaasamyukta Hastanam Ashtavimshati reerita”

Meaning of the Shloka : 

Each word in the above shloka represents a mudra or gesture (single hand)

  1. Pathaka – Flag
  2. Tripathaka- Three parts of a flag
  3. Ardhapathaka – Half flag 

  4. Kartharimukha – Scissors 
  5. Mayura – Peacock
  6. Ardhachandra – Half moon
  7. Araala – bent
  8. Shukatunda – parrot’s beak
  9. Mushti – Fist
  10. Shikhara – Peak
  11. Kapitha – Elephant - apple
  12. Katakamukha – Opening in a bracelet
  13. Suchi – Needle
  14. Chandrakala – Crescent moon
  15. Padmakosha – Lotus bud
  16. Sarpashirsha – Snake's hood
  17. Mrigashirsha – Deer's head
  18. Simhamukha – Lion's face
  19. Kangula – Bud
  20. Alapadma – Fully bloomed lotus
  21. Chatura – Square
  22. Bhramara – Bee
  23. Hamsasya – Swan beak
  24. Hamsapaksha – Swan wing
  25. Samdamsha – Pincers
  26. Mukula – Bud
  27. Tamrachuda – Rooster
  28. Trishula – Trident

Sunday 2 February 2020

A New Beginning !

"Life is unpredictable...When your passion is so strong that nothing can break your will and trust to achieve your dreams, the universe conspires". I've heard this kind of statements from many wise people, but never believed in these words, but life teaches some lessons you know :)

I love dance more than my life. I don't know how this undying love for dance was formed in my heart but it's the life source for me. But I don't know where to start and how to start. Then destiny played it's part. Will you believe that I got the "Lifetime once opportunity"  Yes, Destiny knocked my door.
I'm immensely blessed to have this opportunity of learning the pure art of Bharathanatyam from the legendary Actress and Dancer Padma Shri Dr. Vyjayanthimala Bali :) 

Dance is not just an activity. It’s an art of life. It's a way to express our soul..There's divinity in Dance. I’ve learned this way of life from her. In my perspective, she is the best dancer I’ve ever seen and she is the inspiration for me when it comes to dancing.
On 27th Sep 2019, I had my debut performance in Bangalore at Chowdiah Hall with the legend herself. It was a great honor and blessing to watch her dance and to dance with her. She is a living example that “Age is just a number”. 

And there my dance journey - A new beginning started and is still continuing amazingly. I now believe that "I'm not just lucky, I'm immensely Blessed"

Asamuyta Hasta Shloka - Single Handed Gestures

Hastas or Hasta Mudras are an integral part of Bharatanatyam, where stories are brought to life through hand gestures combined with facial e...